Understanding the 10 Tenets: How Reliance lives up to its “We Care” promise

The 10 Tenets of Leadership Capital, outlined by Chairman Mukesh Ambani at RIL's 45th AGM in 2022, expand upon Reliance's core values and behaviours and demonstrate the promise of “We Care", our underlying philosophy, which has helped shape an enabling work culture..

Referring to the '70s and '80s, when Reliance was a smaller company, our Chairman said, “We used to not work in silos. In fact, we broke silos. We need to get back to that culture. We need to think end-to-end. When you do this, you begin thinking like 'Owners' – you begin to have the 'Founder's Mindset'."

The 10 Tenets answer the “What" and “How" of doing business:

  • “What should I do?"
  • “How should I behave?"

The 10 Tenets—People, Technology and Innovation, Capability, Achievement, Relationship, Trust, Cooperation, Empathy, Integrity, and Community Engagement—are an expansion of Reliance's Core Values & Behaviours and the outcomes that exemplify these values.

The 10 Tenets and RIL’s Values & Behaviours together demonstrate our philosophy of “We Care”— that is, caring about a better future for India and the world and caring for better lives for our communities, our families and ourselves.

Demonstrating Reliance’s core V&Bs through outcomes

  • Integrity Capital forms the foundation for all values and leadership tenets. Honesty and uprightness are non-negotiable.
  • People Capital: Demonstrates the value of “One Team”. At Reliance, we develop People Capital by creating new jobs and investing in our people through training programmes and proper feedback mechanisms; career acceleration opportunities; educational support in the form of financial aid; mental health support through our EAP partner; regular webinars with in-house experts; and fitness and emotional well-being activities.
  • These initiatives also develop Relationship and Trust Capital and boost Cooperation Capital because of the underlying value of “Respect” for our colleagues. We also demonstrate “Respect” by expanding our Emotional Quotient – the outcome is Empathy Capital.
  • We further earn Trust Capital and Cooperation Capital by investing in our skills and growth – so that we gain the trust and cooperation of our colleagues in fulfilling our roles. When we invest in learning and self-development, we can perform with self-confidence and an “Ownership Mindset”. When we use the abundance of resources both within Reliance (such as Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, R-University) and outside (making time for podcasts or other learning opportunities), we invest in our growth.
  • When we invest in Technology and Innovation Capital, we accelerate our growth and demonstrate “Excellence”. Reliance’s history is replete with examples of Technology and Innovation Capital – whether it is our Manufacturing Excellence, the digital revolution created by Jio, our New Commerce business that enables merchants to thrive in the digital age, or our New Energy business, for which we are investing in the latest technologies and bringing in the best minds to help us achieve our net-zero carbon goal.
  • We build strong Relationship Capital and strengthen our Reliance Family – exemplifying the value of “One Team”– while also helping build our Community Engagement Capital with society and country. The work done by Reliance Foundation is a shining example of Community Engagement. Reliance Foundation has touched 76 million+ lives since inception. In FY2024, Reliance spent Rs 1,592 crore on developing communities.
  • Achievement and Capability Capital: When we grow in skills, competence and capabilities, we not only earn trust and respect from our colleagues, but we are also able to achieve great things to the fullest of our potential. We then act decisively like leaders and take ownership of our work with pride. This is a demonstration of not only the value of “Ownership Mindset” but also of “Excellence” in work and outcomes.