“We must be clear about what our values are and stand by them”
- Hemalakshmi Raju, Chief Learning Officer and Leader – D&I, RIL

Hemalakshmi Raju, Chief Learning Officer (CLO) and Leader - Diversity & Inclusion (D&I), RIL, shares how the 10 Tenets resonate with her, how RIL's Learning & Development and D&I initiatives align with the 10 Tenets, and her key learnings in her journey as a leader.

Read on for the conversation.

Q. Can you share three insights from your leadership journey?

Hemalakshmi Raju (HR): The first thing I would like to talk about is that values matter. What do we stand for, as a person and as a leader? Values define our brand. And it's extremely important that we are clear about what our values are, and we stand by them at all times.

The second is about agility. The speed. And when I talk about agility, it's about your thinking agility, your action agility, all of that. You will face multiple situations in your day-to-day work. There are ambiguous situations; there are situations for which you may not have an immediate answer. But are you able to respond to them with speed? Do you have an option B in place always? "Am I picking up quick learnings and getting back?" That matters a lot.

The third important piece that determines your success is your network. The network of people that you know you can go to at all times: your network within the organisation and outside matters a lot.

Q. How do the 10 Tenets resonate with you – as a leader and in your journey of growth?

HR: The 10 Tenets is such a beautiful, powerfully thought-out concept. Let me start with Empathy. Empathy can really redefine you as a person. Are you reaching out to people with empathy? That matters a lot.

Second is about Integrity. At all times, are you focusing on integrity? Integrity, typically, we understand as financial integrity, which is very, very important. But I'm also talking about integrity from the perspective of, “Are you aligned in your thoughts, feelings, and action?” Are you doing the right thing when no one is watching?

The third one is Technology and Innovation. And in fact, if you look at the 10 Tenets, it beautifully says that mastering technologies is not an option. It is an imperative for survival and success for disruptive growth. And innovation—I would like to go back to the agility piece that I spoke about—innovation in the context of our work where we need to rethink all the time. I cannot be stuck. Am I reimagining myself? Am I reimagining my work? Am I reimagining my projects? All of this is not possible without innovation.

In my role, I definitely have to emphasize on Capability. What are the differentiating capabilities that will make me and the organisation successful? We say that it is learning, and continuous learning, which determines your success. And that learning cannot be powerful, impactful, if it doesn't sharply focus on capabilities.

I’m proud to say I’m a second termer in Reliance. In my first stint, I was a very young learning professional. I didn’t have much exposure in the field. But the kind of projects that the organisation trusted me with—so, Trust is the Tenet I am talking about here—never was a question asked about, “Can she do it?” “Does she carry the experience for that?” For instance, we were coming up with a huge training centre in Nagpur, wherein the capabilities needed were very, very different. It's about civil engineering capabilities, programme management capabilities, but the organisation trusted me with that.

Second, was also a huge learning intervention. We talk a lot about upskilling and reskilling now. But in Reliance, we did re-skilling way back in 2006-2007: a massive re-skilling effort that the organisation trusted me with.

If the organisation had not trusted me with those opportunities, I don't think I would be where I am.

Q. How do RIL’s Learning & Development initiatives align with the 10 Tenets?

HR: If you look at our Learning & Development agenda, we have realigned it completely to the 10 Tenets.

For example, if you look at one of our important leadership development programmes, Step Up, which is a transition capability building programme, the curriculum is aligned to the 10 Tenets.

Not just that, we also set up masterclasses. So that there is perfect clarity with our participants and employees.

At one end are our senior leaders, at the other end, we had 1,200 GETs—Graduate Engineer Trainees—who joined the organisation recently. We were hosting the event on a virtual platform, which was JioEvents.

One of the kiosks set up there was on the 10 Tenets. So that, as a youngster, as he or she comes into the organisation from Day 1, they are oriented to the 10 Tenets.

If you look at our functional and technical capability-building, multiple of that is clearly aligned to Technology Capital that we have as part of our 10 Tenets. We also focus in a big way around building awareness and understanding around the latest technologies. We have multiple initiatives that we run for that.

And also the Community Engagement bit: while [Reliance] Foundation does a phenomenal amount of work. We also partner with the Foundation during our annual Spectrum event—an important initiative in Learning & Development. We partner with the Foundation team and also offer volunteering opportunities not just for employees, but also their families.

When we look at aspects like Empathy, Trust—People is one of the first capitals we talk about. When you look at the Diversity & Inclusion agenda, it’s about, “How can we leverage the power of diversity so that everyone in the organisation experiences inclusion?”

The beauty of Reliance is that we are a very diverse organisation. We come from different cultural backgrounds. We speak different languages. And going on, we talk about gender diversity, generational diversity, working with people with disabilities.

In all these areas, the focus on Empathy, respect; the focus on People and Relationships becomes very important, without which inclusion cannot come alive.

Many of our 10 Tenets become important enablers for our diversity agenda.

Q. How can colleagues across Reliance imbibe the 10 Tenets?

HR: This booklet on the 10 Tenets, wherever I go—be it a site or regional office that I am in—I always see these booklets. It’s accessible to people.

So, pick it up and reflect on it. Take a step back. “What does each one of it mean to me?”

We have also made learning available in abundance. We have LinkedIn Learning and Coursera.